How Can I Improve My PBJ Reporting?

How Can I Improve My PBJ Reporting?

Regulatory compliance reporting can sometimes seem nebulous and fuzzy. Where does the compliance data go when you send it to an enormous federal agency? Does anyone actually do anything with it? Don't mistakenly assume that Payroll Based Journal data is lost in a vast ocean of digital bits and bytes when it is submitted to [...]
How to Cover Your Bases With PBJ: Are You In Compliance?

How to Cover Your Bases With PBJ: Are You In Compliance?

Today's message is for owners and operators of residential care homes subject to Payroll Based Journal reporting. Since PBJ reporting became compulsory in July of 2016, how has it been going for you? Have you developed a realistic process? Are you meeting the quarterly deadlines? Are you confident that your data is reliable? PBJ Doesn't [...]
How to Cover Your Bases With PBJ: Are You In Compliance?

How to Measure Your Labor Audit Liability

Are You Compliant? Is your business at risk for fines or sanctions in case of a labor audit? By answering the following questions, you can better establish your current labor audit liability. Are Your Timekeeping Procedures Sufficient? Are employee time and attendance records accurate and accessible? Are employees paid for all the time worked: Employers should [...]
Not PBJ Compliant Yet? Relax. We’ve Got Your Back.

Not PBJ Compliant Yet? Relax. We’ve Got Your Back.

Attention owners and operators of long-term healthcare facilities. Operating a healthcare organization is challenging enough without stressing about new and ever-changing government regulations. In today's post we will explore an ACA quality-of-care regulation called Payroll Based Journal (PBJ). Payroll Based Journal became effective for the quarter beginning July 1, 2016 with the first submission to [...]
How to Cover Your Bases With PBJ: Are You In Compliance?

PBJ File Rejected? Let’s Fix It.

Today's post is for PBJ (Payroll Based Journal) managers at residential care homes who have had a PBJ file rejected by the CMS. Whether you entered the data manually or used a PBJ reporting platform, you are probably eager to identify and correct the problem to regain compliance, decrease your audit liability, and validate the [...]
Get Ready for Fair Workweek Mandates

Get Ready for Fair Workweek Mandates

You may not live in an area that has passed predictive scheduling legislation, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare. "Fair scheduling," "secure scheduling," or "fair workweek" laws are designed to protect staff members from the uncertainty of on-call and fluid scheduling, and are being debated (and in some cases, passed) in states and municipalities [...]