Case Study: Small Manufacturer

Case Study: Small Manufacturer

Today's example company is owned by a woman who starting making soap as a fun hobby. She started selling her handcrafted, all-natural soaps only because friends asked if they could purchase them. She wasn't planning to launch a startup. She had no business plan and no investors—just a small shop behind her house and a [...]
Case Study: Grocery Store

Case Study: Grocery Store

Today's case study explains how the owner of a small grocery chain (four stores) saw the investment in Workforce Management Suite pay off in some unforeseen ways. Grocery employee scheduling is a balancing act. Schedule too few employees and the long lines that result can cause prospective customers to take off before buying anything. Schedule [...]
Case Study: Grocery Store

Case Study: Day Spa

An upscale day spa doesn't just sell manicures and pedicures, they sell an experience—a haven from the tension of everyday life. Spa personnel need to be extremely attentive to their clients' needs to create the optimal spa experience. To preserve a serene atmosphere, there must be order and organization behind the scenes. When a massage [...]
Case Study: Grocery Store

Case Study: Cabinet Shop

Running a small manufacturing company in the United States is not for the faint of heart. We have seen so many proud "Made in America" operations go belly up due to foreign competition and the recession that those unfamiliar with the industry might be surprised to learn that there are still some domestic manufacturers that [...]
Case Study: Grocery Store

Case Study: Alliance Business Solutions

Alliance Business Solutions is a leading nationwide provider of business insurance, health insurance, employee benefit packages, HR, and payroll services. Their customers are business owners who wear numerous hats and work long hours to be sure that customers are satisfied and payroll is met week after week. Focus on these areas typically leaves little time [...]
Case Study: Grocery Store

Case Study: Call Center

Call centers that optimize their human capital can significantly increase efficiency and productivity. This was the intent of our example company, a customer service center which had launched eight years previously with one healthcare client. Last year, when they adopted Workforce Management Suite, they provided inbound and outbound support for six health insurers, three nationwide [...]