How Structured Onboarding Can Help Your Business

How Structured Onboarding Can Help Your Business

Does your company use a structured onboarding protocol? If you don't, you're not alone. Like most business owners, you have a lot of things on your plate. Onboarding may not seem like a priority. In many companies, it consists of a short orientation meeting followed by reams of forms for the new hire to complete. [...]
How Structured Onboarding Can Help Your Business

4 Common Wage and Hour Pitfalls

Wage and hour laws are a complex problem for every HR manager.  Federal laws end where state laws take over, and both are always in flux. It can be a full time job to keep them all in order. Compliance with wage and hour laws is critical to your business. Compliance problems can accumulate federal [...]
How Structured Onboarding Can Help Your Business

Why Should You Care About EX At Your Company?

'EX' is popping up everywhere on Human Resources sites. It's the abbreviation for employee experience. What Is The Employee Experience? The employee experience isn't just a new name for employee engagement. There are fundamental differences. Engagement programs are designed to help staff members invest in the culture of the company. Employee experience (EX) theory takes [...]
How Structured Onboarding Can Help Your Business

Accurate Data Payroll Processing Now Offers Recruiting and Onboarding!

Accurate Data Payroll Processing now provides complete labor management. We have expanded our solutions with applicant tracking and onboarding. Introducing ApplicantStack Recruit and ApplicantStack Onboard Here's an overview: ApplicantStack Recruit Paperless, effortless hiring Attract top talent to your organization Rapidly screen your applicant pool Save time and money while you source, qualify, and hire Use [...]
Everybody Wins With Employee-Centered Human Resources

Everybody Wins With Employee-Centered Human Resources

Despite the name, Human Resources software hasn't typically focused on the human. For decades, systems have been designed to offer organizational efficiency over employee convenience or ease-of-use. But employers don't need to choose one over the other anymore. WorkforceHUB simplifies Human Resources for employees, supervisors, and admin personnel. Everybody wins! Employees Love WorkforceHUB Employees enjoy [...]
How Structured Onboarding Can Help Your Business

The Intuitive WorkforceHUB Employee Dashboard

WorkforceHUB from Accurate Data Payroll Processing is a unified Human Resources portal. It has customizable dashboards for employees and managers. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. Let's look at the employee view: Clock In Page Current time Clock in/out Time of most recent clock in/out and type At a glance: next pay [...]